Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I am Back

Hey everyone!

Ok so I have been pretty lax in my blogging entries as of late. I have been a little crazy with 2 jobs, the fundraising, the training and well! LOL

Ok so to recap some of the highlights over the last month. I have decided that my strength will definitely be the run. I am finding it incredibly easy to run to distance. It is more of a mind thing than anything else.

The swim is another thing all together. I am having so many difficulties in the H20 that I think I need to concentrate a lot more on that piece from now till the event.

The bike is what it is. I am getting new clipless pedals that I need to work with but the overall concensus for me is that I should be ok on the bike.

I did my first practice triathalon last Saturday and I finished the course in 1:47:18. We did a 750 yard swim, a 14.8 mile bike and a 3.6 mile run. I had a ton of problems in the water. I couldn't swim with my head in the water and it really slowed me down. I need to get out into the open water and practice that part. I got into the water and I started to go and I had this feeling of impending doom and I had to go with my head out of the water for most of the time. I switched to breast stroke and side stroke and I was ok but it was really hard. If I can get that part down I am going to be really fast. the bike portion went well but I didn't have m ylower gears again which sucked! I got them back about 10 minutes into the ride but I lost too much time. Over all I think I lost about 15 minutes. I can't wait to try again.

the fundraising is going awesome . The Silent auction is blowing up. I have so much going on right now with the auction I am going to have to dedicate an entire blog just to that! I want to thank Anthony Nurse from the Autograph Store and Amanda Miles from Winspire for all of their help! We are 2 weeks away from the event! I also had a really successful poker tournament rasing $270 and garage sale where I raised over $450! I figured I would get maybe $250 from both! So cool.

I am excited for tomorrow because we have our first thursday brick training. Bike and run! Very nice.

Hopefully all goes well!