Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 3 Saturday Swim and Run 6/6

Well the Saturday practice started out with a groan and me rolling out of bed waaaay to early for a Saturday. I will say though that I got going quickly once I was up. The night before I ate a good dinner. I had grilled snapper and roasted red potatoes with spinach.

I got a couple of power bars and a bagel with cream cheese for the morning. It is weird but after 3 days I have gained 7 pounds, go figure. We started out with a run and stretching. We also did some of the core exercises. I really like the core exercises but they are wreaking havoc on my muscles. We ran a little more ( I need to start running a lot more on my own) and then after about an hour and a half of activity we headed over to the pool.

I realized quickly that I have no idea what the hell I am doing in the pool. I'm a good swimmer and all but no where near the level of a few of the other participants. I think I will do great once we get into the ocean as I have swam a ton in open water. As for the actual workout. Ivy was coaching us and she had some really good drills to get a good stroke going. On a positive note I think I actually improved a good amount in a short time. If nothing else I know what I need to work on. My body is operating as a bunch of separate parts in the water. I need to fix that.

Over all it was a good workout. I have a tone of work to do. Plus I don't think I can train tomorrow with the WEC event I am attending in Sacramento. I have to bike on Monday. Whoo Hoo!

Go team!

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