Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 6 My first foray on the bike 6/9

Ahh the bike, my old friend. I hadn't ridden in about a year (thanks knee) so I was pretty timid about getting back in the sadle. Ralph actually gave me a jersey and bike shorts which fit perfectly so I got to save some money there, awesome. The bike was all tuned up thanks to the guys at Calamar Bikes. I got home about 7 and changed and took off. I went for about 30 minutes instead of 40 but I went at Level 3 instead of Level 1 so I made up for the difference. One thing I have noticed, All of this stuff is much easier when you have other people to train with . It was a little boring and lonely on the bike but it was also nice to see that I remembered how to pedal, lol.

I stopped at the end of my ride and got some Jamba Juice which was a nice treat if not an entirely healthy choice. Funny note I got in and wasn't too gassed just a little out odf biking shape but I weighed my self and I was down to 193 from 201. I am beginning to think that there may be something wron with the scale I am using but whatever. People have told me that muscle weighs more than fat which I knew. But there is no way I have gained 7 or 8 pounds of muscle in 6 days or lost 6 or 7 pounds of fat in 3, who knows.

I really need to write down the core excersises we are doing at the next practice. With the exception of the high knees, the dips, and the butt kicks I am having a hard time remembering what else we have done. Mostly there is a bunch of the Yoga stretches that helped out a lot but I can't remember them for the life of me! I go back in the pool tonight and I am interested to see the progression of how my breathing does. I am hoping that by the 4th or 5th time in the pool the laps get a little easier. I am trying to push myself but only a little.

Nutrition wise I hjavd a ceaser salad and some chicken with guac in a tortilla last night. Oh that and the Jamba. We will see what that does to the scale tonight.

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